Order your beef here —
We sell nutritious, flavorful grass fed and finished beef in bulk quantities known as shares. Your first step is to decide what quantity is right for you: an eighth, quarter, half or whole share of beef. Click on an option below to learn about the amount beef you would receive for that specific share.
Then, choose the date and location that works best for you. We deliver to Seattle, the Methow Valley, and locally to the Okanogan Valley. If you live in Washington State but do not live near one of our three pick-up locations, email us to discuss possible delivery options.
Pay your deposit now to reserve your share and pay the remaining balance when you pick up your beef from our meet-up locations. A couple of weeks before your delivery date we will contact you via email with information on how to place your cut and wrap order as well as to confirm date and location of your beef meet-up.
We are here to help you navigate any part of this process — we know ordering a share is different than purchasing meat at the grocery store. please reach out with any questions: bunchgrassbeef@gmail.com.
Our Meet-up Locations
We meet at the Okanogan IGA Parking Lot.
We meet at the Do-It Hardware Center.
We meet at the Greenlake Park’n’ride.