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Learn what the term ‘beef share’ means, how this system of buying beef works, and how it is an important way to support local agriculture.


When you purchase beef directly from the ranch, you are purchasing a “share” of a beef, rather than a fixed amount of meat. The amount of beef you receive will vary slightly depending on the weight of each animal. You, the customer, pay a deposit to secure your share of the animal. Once the animal is harvested, the cow is weighed and this is referred to as the hanging weight, which is the weight before it is aged, cut, trimmed, and de-boned. As the customer, the amount of cut-and-wrapped meat will be approximately 65% of the hanging weight. For example, say you put down a deposit for a quarter share at $5.25 per lb hanging weight and the hanging weight of your share is 155 lb (at $5.25/lb). You will pay $814 (= 155 lb x $5.25/lb) and can expect to receive about 100 lb of beef to put in your freezer. Please note that the hanging weight price/lb includes the cost of the harvest and the processing.

What makes purchasing a meat share directly from the ranch is a unique and wonderful opportunity. Not only do you know the animal was raised with great care and know the people that raised the animals, but you also get to decide how you’d like your meat to be cut. Customers have the greatest amount of customization when ordering half and whole shares; when customers order a quarter share, customization is limited since the half is evenly divided into two quarters that go to two different customers. When customers order an eighth share, in order to provide customers with a variety of cuts, there is no customization. In appreciation for customers who buy larger quantities, we have created a price scale with discounts for folks who purchase larger shares. If you want more customization or a lower price point, we encourage folks to consider splitting an order with a friend or two. Bonus: then you have established a natural dinner and recipe club…

By purchasing directly from a rancher, you are supporting local agriculture as the rancher receives all of the profit from the sale. This allows us to produce excellent quality food and sell it to you at a reasonable price. In turn, you know that your beef was raised with high standards of care for the animals and the land.

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